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P&F Studies

Year: 2024 - 2011
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Michael Betts PhD Orcid University of Pennsylvania Islet-specific memory T cell responses upon autologous islet exposure
James Bibb PhD Orcid University of Alabama at Birmingham Antibiotic Treatment of Stress-High Sugar Diet-Linked Anxiodepression
Diego Bohórquez PhD Orcid North Carolina Gut-Brain Neurotransmission for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Daniel Castro PhD Orcid Washington University in St Louis Investigating the Role of Endogenous Opioids in Pancreatic Islets and Metabolism
Virginia Cornish PhD Columbia University Treatment of diabetic foot ulcers via Live yeast secreting wound-healing factors
Meaghan Creed PhD Orcid Washington University in St Louis Targeting the Ventral Pallidum to Reduce Individual Susceptibility to Diet-Induced Obesity
Stephanie Eid PhD Orcid University of Michigan Schwann cell-derived extracellular vesicles in prediabetic neuropathy: Role in nerve insulin signaling and function
Nikki Farnsworth PhD Orcid University of Colorado Denver Engineered Nanocapsules for Targeted Drug Delivery to the β-Cell in T1D
Daniel Ferguson PhD Washington University in St Louis Macrophage Mitochondrial Pyruvate Metabolism in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Maria Cristina Foss De Freitas MD PhD Orcid University of Michigan A truncating mutation of EBF2 disrupts adipocyte differentiation in lipodystrophy: an example of a discovery from a clinical translational pipeline
Maria B Grant MD, FARVO University of Alabama at Birmingham The role of hypothalamic somatostatin in the regulation of the brain-adipose axis in the high fat diet (HFD) mouse model
Edward Greenfield PhD Indiana University Diabetes/Metabolic syndrome impairs outcomes of orthopaedic implant ifection in mice
David Hill MD PhD Orcid University of Pennsylvania Contribution of novel adipocyte progenitor cell populations to metabolic disease
Heba Ismail PhD Indiana University The gut microbiome in children with type 1 diabetes with obesity and novel mechanism of action of metformin